Our Approach

Apply and Pay was born from years spent working in and researching the events industry. We watched other industries benefit from enterprise software that automated and streamlined their common workflows, but nothing was being made for trade shows and exhibitions. So we built Apply and Pay.

Our Story

Based in Van Morrison’s old office in the heart of historic Bath, England, we are a team of six professionals who have been building business software and offering professional services for over 70 man years.

Where to find our software

Apply and Pay is a free-standing app for processing applications, and is also available as an add-in in EventHalo. EventHalo is a platform of tighly-integrated apps for large event organisers, which handles ticketing, staff accreditation, meal booking, procurement plus, via Apply and Pay, vendor  applications, volunteer applications, and performer applications.


Small print

By using Apply and Pay you agree to our terms and conditions, which you can find here: Terms and Conditions

In brief: play fair with us and we’ll play fair with you,  don’t use our system to hurt other people, we need to be paid for use of our software, and otherwise most things are negotiable.

And you can find our privacy policy here: Privacy Policy

Again, in brief: your data is yours, we can’t market to you or your clients without express permission. 

Apply and Pay is a division of Lifejak Ltd, Company No.09393869, VAT ID 213903044